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11-3A-7: FENCES:
The following regulations shall govern the type, location, and construction of all fences:
A. General standards:
1. When a fence is erected not in conjunction with a building permit for a principaluse or building, a separate building permit is required.
2. Electric wire fencing shall be prohibited.
3. Barbed wire fencing shall be prohibited, except in the C-C, C-G, M-E, I-L, and I-H districts when: a) used as the top section for security fencing; and b) located a minimum of six feet (6') above grade to the bottom wire.
4. The use of boxes, sheet metal, old or decayed wood, broken masonry blocks, orother like unsightly materials for fencing shall be prohibited.
5. No fence shall obstruct access to public utility boxes, meters or other infrastructure.
6. Fences shall be kept free from advertising and graffiti and maintained in good repair.
7. Regulations for fences along pathways and common open space areas are set forth below:
a. The developer is responsible for constructing fences adjacent to micropath connections to distinguish common from private areas.
b. Fences adjacent to all pathways and common open space shall
(1) An open vision fence up to six feet (6') in height, as it provides visibility from adjacent homes or buildings; or
(2) If closed vision fencing is used, it shall not exceed four feet (4') in height. This does not allow four feet (4') of closed vision fence with two feet (2') of open vision fencing.
c. These restrictions are intended to apply to fencing along interior common open space areas and pathways. They are not intended to apply to street buffers or entryway landscaping strips. These restrictions are not intended to require fencing on interior common open space.
8. A fence constructed in the public right of way shall require a license agreement from the transportation authority.
9. If an owner or applicant desires to obtain an alternative compliance from the provisions of this section, the procedure shall be in accord with chapter 5, "Administration", of this title.
Ph: (208) 887-2211
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10. See subsection 11-3A-6B2 of this article for additional fencing requirements along irrigation ditches, laterals, canals, and/or drains.
11. Where screening is required in this title, chainlink fencing with or without slats does not qualify as a screening material.
B. Additional standards in the C-N, C-C, C-G, M-E, H-E, I-L, and I-H
1. The maximum fence height shall not exceed eight feet
2. Rear Yard of alley accessed properties and alley side yard properties: All fences adjoining an alley shall be open vision and shall be set back a minimum of five feet (5’) from the alley (measured from property line).
C. Additional standards in the R-2, R-4, R-8, R-15, R-40, L-O, O-T, TN-C, and TN-R districts:
1. The maximum fence height shall not exceed six feet (6'), subject to the provisions set forth in subsections C2 and C3 of this section.
2. In the TN-R district, fences in the required front yard including the front and side yard property lines shall be open vision and no greater than three feet (3') in height.
For all other districts, the maximum fence height in the required front yard including the front and side yard property lines shall be three feet (3') for a closed vision fence and four feet (4') for an open vision fence. See figure 1 of this section.
3. On corner properties, the maximum fence height in the required street side yard shall be six feet (6') above the grade (as measured at the property line), and the minimum setback shall be ten feet (10') from the street side property line. See figure 2 of this section.
4. Where the rear yard of one property adjoins the front yard of another property, the fence along the rear and side yards where they adjoin the adjacent front yard shall be flush or angled at forty five degrees (45°) to provide continuity with the adjoining fence and property line. See figure 2 of this section.
5. Side yard fences that follow the side yard property line shall only be allowed where the side setback is five feet (5') or greater.
6. Side yard fences that extend from one building to an adjoining building are allowed where the adjoining houses have use easements on the side yard area. Such fences shall be set back a minimum of two feet (2') behind the enclosed portion of the front of the building adjoining the fence.
7. Side yard fences that extend from one building to an adjoining building that are greater than three feet (3') in height and constructed of wrought iron or similar material shall provide a gate for emergency access to the side yard.
8. Rear yard of alley accessed properties and alley side yard properties: All fenceswithin the required rear yard shall be open vision. Fences shall be set back a minimum of five feet (5') from the alley (measured from property line).
9. Additional height shall be allowed for arbors, arches and/or other architectural appurtenances extending over gates and/or other entryways. Such appurtenances shall not exceed five feet (5') in width and/or eight feet (8') in height.
10. Additional height shall be allowed for gateposts. Such gateposts shall not exceed eight feet (8') in height.