City of Eagle Official Document can be found Here.
In addition to all yard regulations specified in section 8-2-4 of this title, and in other sections of this title, the following provisions shall be adhered
A. Visibility At Intersections: On a corner lot in any district, nothing shall be erected, placed, planted or allowed to grow in such a manner as to materially impede vision between the height of two and one-half feet (21/2') and ten feet (10') above the centerline grades of the intersecting streets within the vision triangle. The boundaries of the clear vision triangle are defined by measuring from the intersection of the edges of two (2) adjacent streets forty feet (40') along each street and connecting the two (2) points with a straight line. In all cases, ITD and ACHD standards shall apply also.
B. Fences:
1. In any front yard area, no fence or wall shall be permitted which materially impedes vision across such yard above the height of two and one-half feet (21/2') measured from the centerline grade of the adjacent street. Picket style fences where fifty percent (50%) of the fence remains open may be permitted up to four feet (4') in height. Chainlink fencing is prohibited in any front yard area.
2. Fencing located adjacent to any street identified as a collector or arterial on the transportation and pathway network plan in the Eagle comprehensive plan, and on the street side of all corner lots, shall be an open fencing style such as wrought iron or other similar see through, decorative, durable fencing material, except as otherwise may be permitted in subsection 8-2A-7J of this title.
3. Chainlink fencing is prohibited in the R (residential) zoning district.
4. A permit is required prior to the construction of a fence in any front yard area and along any street within the city subject to the application requirements established in section 8-7-2 of this title. (Ord. 756, 8-23-2016)
C. Yards In Multi-Family Dwellings: Multi-family dwellings shall be considered as one building for the purpose of determining front, side and rear yard requirements. The entire group as a unit shall require one front, one rear and two (2) side yards as specified for dwellings in the appropriate district.
D. Side And Rear Yards For Nonresidential Uses Abutting Residential Districts: Nonresidential buildings or uses shall not be located nor conducted closer than forty feet (40') to any lot line of a residential district; except that the minimum yard requirements may be reduced to fifty percent (50%) of the requirement if acceptable landscaping or screening approved by the council is provided. Such screening shall be a masonry or solid fence between four (4) and eight feet (8') in height, maintained in good condition and free of all advertising or other signs. Landscaping provided in lieu of such wall or fence shall consist of a strip of land not less than twenty feet (20') in width planted with an evergreen hedge or dense planting of evergreen shrubs not less than four feet (4') in height at the time of planting.
E. Exceptions To Height Regulations: The height limitations contained in section 8-2-4 of this title do not apply to spires, belfries, cupolas, antennas, water tanks, ventilators, chimneys or other appurtenances usually required to be placed above the roof level and not intended for human occupancy, except where the height of such structures will constitute a hazard to the safe landing and takeoff of aircraft at an established airport.
F. Maximum Units Per Lot: Any buildable lot conforming to this title, with a zoning designation of A, A-R, R-E, R-1, R-2, R-3, R-4 or R-5, shall be permitted a maximum of one single-family dwelling unit per lot. Additional dwelling units shall not be permitted within the above mentioned zoning designations unless specifically permitted elsewhere within this title. Multi-family units/developments are prohibited in the above mentioned zoning designations. (Ord. 298, 10-14-1997)